What a load of rubbish
What a load of Rubbish ! Have you ever thought exactly that and are not sure how to get rid of it? Sometimes waiting for a council kerb side collection is not convenient and there are too many limits to the amount and type of waste that they will collect.
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Dog Drool - Why Worry?
We often see dog drool on glass, and, frankly, it's not a pretty sight! It is loaded with bacteria, not great when you have kids around, and, looks about as bad as it gets! Is it something that should concern you? Absolutely!!
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7 ways homeowners can benefit from professional landscaping
For many homeowners, notions of professional landscaping are a bit farfetched. They don’t feel relevant to life because, well, not everybody needs a lawn fit for the Chelsea Flower Show. What they don’t realise is that the term ‘landscaping’ covers all kinds of different features, designs, and arrangements; not just high maintenance e blooms and lavish water fountains.
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Recommended finishes for solid timber entrance doors
There have been numerous articles or recommendations on the types of finish for exterior doors, some of which are disputable. It is important to select an exterior finish that allows for movement of the timber as well as maintenance and preservation.
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Bathroom ideas and trends
After kitchens, bathrooms are the most important room in the house and perhaps the next most expensive. There are no hard and fast rules to building a brand new bathroom or renovating an existing one, other than the importance of the highest standard of workmanship in waterproofing and plumbing.
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How to choose a plumber in Sydney - that won't rip you off
Plumbing emergencies can be a stressful time and the last thing you want to be doing is wasting time looking for a reliable plumbing company. If you know what to look for, the task will be much quicker and easier. Here are seven things to consider so that you don't get ripped off.
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Installing a new hot water system
Installing a new hot water system can be a daunting task if you aren’t knowledgeable about your options. But because hot water is such a large part of your power bills, it’s worth doing your research. Here we’ve described each type of hot water system and storage options. Contact an appliance repair and installation company to discuss installing your new system.
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Free quotes can be for a small, straightforward project like painting one wall or assembling a small table. A quote is required for jobs with time constraints, choice of materials and research time. Multiple works/ jobs, complications, detailed installation, modifications, precision craftsmanship, and quality products require attention to detail. When paying, you can expect a detailed quote, saving time. All interactions are professional from the beginning. All costs are transparent.
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Driveways make a statement
Everyone wants the front of their home to look fantastic. The driveway of the average Australian suburban house block takes up a big chunk of real estate. Your driveway needs to compliment the style of your home and landscaping. A driveway needs not only look great but has to be able to stand up to the rigors of having the ton or so of family car traversing it constantly. Other than the kids bedrooms it will take more abuse than any other part of your home
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Tiling - should you DIY or use a professional?
Are you considering tackling a tiling project at your place, it's a lot more complicated than it looks, here's some points to consider before deciding whether to DIY or call in an experienced Tiler.
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Buying sustainably and how to do it effectively
Do you wish you knew how to shop for pieces that veer towards the sustainable side of things? Buying environmentally friendly items can be hard to spot without asking a million questions, and although these types of questions are always welcome it’s nice to have some knowledge before hitting the shops. Let’s look at some of the criteria to spot an eco-friendly choice.
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Working with building designers and interior designers
Building a house or an extension, or a planning a renovation requires extensive knowledge of building design, engineering, codes, regulations, and requirements. By starting your building or renovation with a clear plan, you can create a home which perfectly suits your style, needs, and ideas. Interior designers can work together with building designers if your plan requires it, and work with builders to fit out the house with appliances and permanent fixtures.
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ALARMING! Help to upgrade your home security
No matter what the size and value of our home is we want to protect it, just as we want to protect our family, and the best way to do that is with security.
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Brighten your day
Do you have a room or hallway in your home that is always dark and you need a light on even during the day?
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Project Managing the building of your new home or renovation
Whether you are building a brand new home or renovating and extending an existing home it is well worth considering the services of a Project Manager, also referred to as a Construction Manager or Site Manager
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Light Up your Life with LED’s
Did you know that lighting is approximately 20% of a household energy bill?
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