How to have a clever clothes line
The Hills Hoist was arguably the most recognized iconic symbol of a typical Australian back yard. There was and still is, nothing like a rotary clothes hoist loaded with washing and spinning in the breeze providing an environmentally safe and cost effective way to dry the washing.
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Seven simple DIY ways to clear a blocked drain
Most residents give little, if any, thought to the things they flush down the toilet and wash down their sinks. Water companies spend millions each year clearing out foreign matter that has ended up in our increasingly overloaded sewer systems. But the water companies aren’t the only ones responsible for drains. Find out more and what you can do about it here.
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Interior decorating tricks to put the spring back in your step
The spring has finally arrived in Australia and homeowners are starting to emerge from the depths of winter with big plans for their interiors. This is the perfect time of year for transitions and changes, so it is no surprise that so many people are investing in transformations.
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When to call in a handyman
Maintaining a home is important to ensure that small problems don’t become large problems when left unaddressed for long periods of time. Our home is probably our biggest investment and we should keep it in good shape. Let’s face it – not everyone is a home handyman. You may not be handy or you may be too busy to get those little jobs done around the home and that’s when you should call in a handyman.
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Comprehensive Guide to Polished Concrete Floor Costs in Perth
Polished and honed concrete floors offer a cost-effective, durable, and attractive solution for both residential and commercial properties in Perth. Costs will vary depending on the project's scope, design complexity, and specific finishes chosen.
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Rubbish removal: cutting costs, hours, and effort
Rubbish removal is an often overlooked aspect of home improvement, but it can turn out to be a serious cost. Make the most of your money by clearly outlining rubbish removal in your budget and your plan.
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How to source furniture for your home
Often when people think about sourcing furniture, they imagine going to a shop and picking some out. It’s a convenient way to buy, and even easier if you take advantage of online retailers. However, if you don’t have an eye for interior design, it can be hard to tell what sort of furniture would suit your space. Or maybe you have a vision which requires furniture which you can’t find in mainstream stores. In any case, there are other avenues through which to purchase furniture which is unique, stylish, and suited perfectly to your space.
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Benefits of upholstering
Upholstering furniture can involve much more than simply changing the fabric on your furniture.
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Help Your Pond Beat the Summer Heat
Record high temperatures across the nation create a number of challenges for people, pets, plants, and yes, even your water garden. You’ll want to keep a close eye on your pond, especially when the water temperature reaches 26 degrees or higher.
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7 ways to make a small kitchen appear infinitely larger
Every house has an area you have always thought could do with a little help or improvement and for many inner city dwellers that area is their kitchen.
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How to choose a staircase
There are many homes throughout Australia with staircases and in some more than one. A staircase can be tucked away and unobtrusive or can be a focal point and add real wow factor to your home. Taking regulations and guidelines into account your staircase can then only be limited by space, budget and imagination.
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Colour Scheming Made Easy
if you have a sunroom, look at a complementary paint colour scheme where you use colours that are opposite each other on the colour wheel, such as blue and orange.
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Free quotes can be for a small, straightforward project like painting one wall or assembling a small table. A quote is required for jobs with time constraints, choice of materials and research time. Multiple works/ jobs, complications, detailed installation, modifications, precision craftsmanship, and quality products require attention to detail. When paying, you can expect a detailed quote, saving time. All interactions are professional from the beginning. All costs are transparent.
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Building inspection - why do you need one?
What is a Building Inspection? A building inspection is an examination by qualified professionals which identifies faults and hazards in a property. These can include anything from maintenance and safety issues to serious structural faults or damage. Often the problems identified are not immediately visible or apparent to the untrained eye. Special equipment may be used to gather more information. After the inspection, a report is provided which details the issues. This allows home owners and potential buyers to make informed decisions.
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Exterior Window Coverings
We all like a little ambiance and privacy at home by dressing our windows with curtains, blinds or shutters. Did you ever consider external window coverings? The European roller style block out shutters have long been a common way to provide protection not only from harsh sun, wind, rain and hail but also they act as a security shield and reduce the level of external noise all while providing complete privacy. Block out roller shutters will also help protect your home and stop windows from shattering during a bushfire.
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Home heating options in a nutshell
There are several options when it comes to heating your home, and the right choice will depend on your individual circumstances. Before you even consider which type of heating system will be right for you, consider how you can make your home more efficient at retaining heat. Overlooking this step could cost you dearly in the long run, resulting in the need for a more powerful heater which perpetually struggles against cold draughts and escaping heat.
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Light Up your Life with LED’s
Did you know that lighting is approximately 20% of a household energy bill?
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