Is Your Pest Problem Lowering the Value of Your Home?
When pests take over your residence it is difficult to control the extent to which they can cause harm. Rodents, termites, possums, mice, wasps, etc. can pose a real threat to the structure’s foundations and may even result in a collapse.
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How To Choose A Property Manager
We work with a lot of property managers, as a result we see the good, the bad and the ugly! As a service which our clients hire to present their properties in a way that enhances the value of those properties. We, therefore, take an active interest in helping you get the most from your property, whether it be your home, or your rental income nest. As a result, we have gathered a lot of experience that can help you decide how to choose a property manager that is right for your investment.
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Get Protected - Making your home more secure
Earlier this year Perth Newspapers reported crime statistics in Western Australia for 2014 and 2015. These statistics were alarming with a staggering 9% increase in home burglaries.
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Avoiding a DIY disaster – When to call in the professionals
Not every job requires professional help, especially if you are willing to put some time and effort into learning how to do a project properly
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Turf Wars
Artificial Turf has come a long way in recent times and is fast becoming a popular care free way to green up your property. While it’s not quite the real thing, the artificial products are now much more sophisticated and actually do look and feel close to the real thing.
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Free quotes can be for a small, straightforward project like painting one wall or assembling a small table. A quote is required for jobs with time constraints, choice of materials and research time. Multiple works/ jobs, complications, detailed installation, modifications, precision craftsmanship, and quality products require attention to detail. When paying, you can expect a detailed quote, saving time. All interactions are professional from the beginning. All costs are transparent.
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Energy Saving Tips for the Home
Most of us at some point have suffered from Bill Shock when we have opened the house hold utility bills.
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7 ways to make a small kitchen appear infinitely larger
Every house has an area you have always thought could do with a little help or improvement and for many inner city dwellers that area is their kitchen.
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Will Real Estate Crash In Australia?
The market has continued to rise in Australia and it has been a steady increase for the last few years. It's unlikely that a crash will happen, but if the market slows down, it would be prudent to take precautions. The Australian real estate market has been rising since 2008, but there are many factors that could trigger a crash. If the Australian economy experiences a recession, or if international factors such as escalation in wars come into play, then the market could crash
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Bathroom ideas and trends
After kitchens, bathrooms are the most important room in the house and perhaps the next most expensive. There are no hard and fast rules to building a brand new bathroom or renovating an existing one, other than the importance of the highest standard of workmanship in waterproofing and plumbing.
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Pest control: why you should hire a professional
Pest control products are likely available for purchase in your local store, and the directions seem fairly straight forward. Is there really any risk to skipping the professional and managing your pest control yourself?
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How to ensure you have the best viewing at home?
Do you have bad TV reception at your home? Australians love to watch TV and it is very frustrating when you are about to settle in to watch a movie or your favourite game of sport and the signal is playing up. So get an Antenna service expert to identify and fix the problem once and for all.
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How much does a second storey addition cost?
Have you ever wondered: ‘How much does a Second Storey Addition Cost?’ and ‘Should I extend out or build up? Which will cost more?’ Adding a second storey does not always cost more than a home extension. Sometimes it actually makes more sense to add another level, but homeowners can be put off by thinking that this costs more than a ground floor home extension. This is not necessarily the case! This article reveals the inside scoop on whether building a ground floor extension or adding a second story on your house would be best for you.
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How fencing can add value and appeal to your home
The first thing to know when considering a fence to add value and appeal to your home is that a fence will not necessarily add value. The result depends heavily on your individual property and the decisions you make. You need to consider whether a fence would add to or detract from your home, and what type of fence you may need.
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Insulating Your Home
Insulation is essential to keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter. By installing insulation you will effectively keep your heating and cooling bills down and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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The Evolution of the Backyard Garden Shed
Remember the backyard garden shed your parents, grandparents or neighbours had to house their gardening equipment and tools, the kid’s bikes or the boat?
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Tips for Managing a Hot Water System
If you don't maintain your hot water system, you may face several consequences that can cause inconvenience, expenses, and even safety hazards. Over time, hot water systems can accumulate sediment, rust, and debris, leading to reduced efficiency and increased energy bills. Without proper maintenance, these deposits can cause leaks, blockages, or damage to the system, requiring expensive repairs or replacement.
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