Bathroom renovations & improvements special offers in Queensland

1. Hot Water System Visual inspection to check the age and condition. Note the model number and KW rating if available. 2. Water Leaks Check all internal taps and exterior taps for water leaks and condition. 3. Flexible Hoses Inspect hot and cold flexible water hoses for signs of stress and rust. 4. Water Efficiency Water Meters - Premises are individually metered. Test internal cold water taps and single mixer taps installed over hand basin, kitchen sink and and laundry tub. A maximum flow rate of 9L per minute. Shower Heads - A maximum flow rate of 9L per minute Toilets - A dual flush function not exceeding 6.5 litres on full flush and 3.5 litres on half flush. 5. Gutters and Downpipes Visual Inspection of Gutters and Downpipes for signs of damage, rust and general wear and tear. 6. Water Meter. Check for location, condition and ease of use. 7. Pressure Test Conduct a static water pressure test from water meter to home Australian Plumbing Standard - AS.3500.1 Clause 3.3.4. Maximum operating pressure at any outlet, other than a fire service outlet, within a building does not exceed 500kpa. We will then supply a full written and photographic report detailing any problems and how to rectify them.

Do you have a blocked toilet, sink or shower? We will fix it fast so you can relax, reassured you're in safe hands. We'll turn up on time, have the right tools to fix the problem and clean up after ourselves, leaving your home fully functional again in no time! Don't fret let the experts do what they do best so you can get on with your life with one less worry.