Green plumbing tips

Green plumbing tips
Water is the world’s most precious commodity. We can be blasé about our usage and consumption of water during the wet months or when there are no apparent shortages and our dams are at a decent level.

However while 70% of the world’s surface is covered by water, 97% of that is salt water and 2% glacial, leaving us a mere 1% available drinking water for the entire planet. That is a very alarming statistic and probably one that most people are not aware of.

With climate change we need more than ever to be proactive about ways to use this precious commodity more wisely.

Green plumbing is not only environmentally responsible but in the long run will also save you money by reducing your water and energy bills. Here are some ways to make necessary changes around the home:

. Repair or replace dripping taps.

. Repair or replace leaking pipes.

  • Install water saving shower heads which will reduce consumption used per minute by half.
  • Changing to a dual flush toilet can be as simple as just replacing the cistern.
  • Use water efficient washing machines with a high energy rating and eco-friendly wash cycles.
  • Use energy rated dishwashers with eco-friendly or water saving cycles.
  • Harvest water by installing a rain water tank.
  • Have the rain water tank connected to the mains for use inside such as toilet flushing.
  • Recycle grey water to use in the garden.
  • Invest in a pool cover to reduce evaporation.
  • Install a rain detector on your watering system to prevent it activating when rain is predicted.

Check your garden irrigation system for leaks to ensure water is landing on the garden and not being wasted running down the paths and driveway.

Plant a hardy garden that doesn’t require a lot of water.

If you are building a new home it is the perfect time to have a rainwater tank installed. An underground system will not only been unobtrusive but will also give you more room in the garden. If you are excavating for a pool or extension to an existing home it is also worth considering installing an underground rainwater tank. Rainwater tanks can also be easily installed above ground and tucked away out of sight. It is wise to check with your local council on regulations and rebates for water harvesting in your area.

If your water bill is unusually high and you suspect you may have a leaking pipe, turn all the taps in the house off and monitor your water meter to see if it is still ticking over. If it is, then you most likely do have a leak. A professional licensed plumber can repair any leaks, replace old pipes, taps, shower heads and toilet cisterns for modern water saving devices. A gardener or landscaper can help with the installation and repairs for watering systems and rain detectors. Any appliance store will stock a range of energy rated, water saving appliances and your local pool expert can help with a cover that will not only reduce evaporation but also reduce the maintenance of the pool.

Any of these professionals can be found on our home improvement directory.

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