Top tips for moving house

Top tips for moving house

Moving house is rated one of the most stressful life events, but with some handy tips on forward planning and organisation it can become an easier and smoother process for you and the whole family.

Make a checklist for moving house

It is imperative to create a checklist for leading up to your move and another one for the day of your move. Checklists will help you remain organised, save time and save you from forgetting anything important during the process like connect your electricity in your new house.
Top tips for moving house

Some points for your pre-move in day checklist:

  • Book a removalist or moving truck if you decide to move yourself

  • Organise care for the kids or pets on move in day if it applies

  • Label each box clearly so you or the removalist knows which room it’s going to

  • Create an inventory for each box so you can see what you’ve packed without opening the box

  • Label anything fragile with fluorescent tape so it doesn’t get tossed around or placed on the bottom of a heavy stack

  • Organise the transfer or set up of your electricity, gas and internet to the new house.

  • Schedule your mail re-direct with Australia Post


Some points for your move in day checklist:

  • Wave the kids off as they spend the day with Gran and Grandad

  • Confirm with the removalist that they have the correct address for pick up and drop off

  • Pack plenty of water and food for the day to keep your energy levels

  • Have a bag of spare clothes, toiletries, first aid kit and bed sheets (it could be a massive day)

  • Gather all the old keys

  • Do one last scan of the house to make sure nothing has been missed

  • Lock all windows, doors and turn off your hot water and gas

Moving house is not a small task, these checklists could go on further.


Moving house with kids

Kids come in all shapes, sizes and of course ages. So, depending on how old your children are will indicate how much they will understand what’s going on around them when their clothes and toys start getting packed away into boxes. Try to involve the kids in the moving process, get them to help you pack up their bedroom and reward them for their efforts.


Moving house with pets

Don’t forget, moving house can also be a stressful event for your pet whether they’re a dog, cat or goldfish. How you choose to involve them in the move could be based on their personality or their age. Your first step should be to update their registration, information tag or microchip details in case they decide to escape.

Once you’ve set up their bedding area in the new house, make sure they have plenty of familiar items around them like blankets, toys and clothing so the change can feel less of a shock. Keep any routines as normal as possible like meal times or exercise.

For cats, you’d want to keep them inside until they are used to the new home and surroundings to avoid them running away.


Moving house DIY – load up the truck

Hiring a truck and moving everything yourself can cut down the costs. It may make the experience more challenging but if you’re up to the task, give it a shot. How you load the truck is important to make the most of the space and save yourself doing any unnecessary trips. Use plenty of blankets, sheets, towels or quilted pads to protect any items that may shift while driving. Load the heaviest items first like wardrobe units, couches, fridge, washing machine and dryer.

Pack any light items on top to use the space like couch cushions or light boxes. Start loading any chairs or light furniture that has been taken apart and line up any mattresses against the side of the truck for extra padding. Load any boxes or belongings that you may require straight away last like carpets that need to go down before any furniture, kitchen boxes, bedroom boxes and personal items.

If you have never driven a truck before, get some tips from the company you hire from. Trucks are higher and wider than cars with a wider turning circle. Take it slower and avoid any sharp turns to eliminate any damage or shifting of your belongings.

If you have any super fragile items, consider taking them to the new house in your regular car.


Get the materials for moving house

Packing boxes, sticky tape, permanent markers, butchers paper, bubble wrap, picture or mirror cartons, chair covers, and mattress covers are few of many essentials to think of when you are packing your entire home.


Need Storage?

Have you got more stuff than you thought? Don’t be too hard on yourself, we all know a hoarder or someone who’s kids have moved in and out of home more times than they can count, and they’ve somehow become responsible for far more furniture, clothes and old toys than they started with.

Using self storage is a convenient solution to house items you do not need yet. With a range of different sized units, you’ll be sure to find one that fits.


For further reading and more information, please contact the expert contributor.

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