Bringing your home’s exterior back to new
Sometimes we tend to neglect the maintenance of the exterior of our house. We mow the lawns, weed the garden and trim the hedges but overlook the actual house itself. Your home’s exterior may not need a fresh coat of paint but just a good clean. By enlisting the services of a professional house washing service you can make your home sparkle like new again.
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The importance of selecting the right shower screen
Bathrooms are an integral part of any new home build or renovation and an important aspect of any bathroom design is the type of shower screen to be installed. The amount of space and size of your budget will be things most likely to influence your choice.
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Updating your existing pool
It’s time to bring your existing pool into the 21st Century. Just as we renovate, redecorate, paint or update our homes we should do so for the swimming pool. Just as a bathroom or kitchen needs remodeling so does a pool. No pool will last a life time without modifications, so if your pool is looking tired and dated now is the time to act.
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Home heating options in a nutshell
There are several options when it comes to heating your home, and the right choice will depend on your individual circumstances. Before you even consider which type of heating system will be right for you, consider how you can make your home more efficient at retaining heat. Overlooking this step could cost you dearly in the long run, resulting in the need for a more powerful heater which perpetually struggles against cold draughts and escaping heat.
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Maintenance tips for your garage door
Garage doors are one of the most neglected fittings in a home, which, given the hundreds of other things homeowners need to think about and sort out, isn’t all that surprising.
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Recommended finishes for solid timber entrance doors
There have been numerous articles or recommendations on the types of finish for exterior doors, some of which are disputable. It is important to select an exterior finish that allows for movement of the timber as well as maintenance and preservation.
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Tips for creating the ideal nursery
If you have a baby on the way there is a lot that you need to do, with one of the most important things being to set up a decent nursery.
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Free quotes can be for a small, straightforward project like painting one wall or assembling a small table. A quote is required for jobs with time constraints, choice of materials and research time. Multiple works/ jobs, complications, detailed installation, modifications, precision craftsmanship, and quality products require attention to detail. When paying, you can expect a detailed quote, saving time. All interactions are professional from the beginning. All costs are transparent.
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Working with building designers and interior designers
Building a house or an extension, or a planning a renovation requires extensive knowledge of building design, engineering, codes, regulations, and requirements. By starting your building or renovation with a clear plan, you can create a home which perfectly suits your style, needs, and ideas. Interior designers can work together with building designers if your plan requires it, and work with builders to fit out the house with appliances and permanent fixtures.
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Styling Your Home For Sale
Who doesn’t want top dollar for the sale of their home. These days styling or staging of homes for sale is a big business and a growing trend reaping greater results for Vendors.
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Blind cleaning - bring your old blinds back to life
Are your once beautiful blinds starting to look old and worn out, are they not operating a well as they did when new? Might be time to call in a professional blind cleaning and repair company.
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7 ways to make a small kitchen appear infinitely larger
Every house has an area you have always thought could do with a little help or improvement and for many inner city dwellers that area is their kitchen.
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Setting up a home gym
If you have ever thought about a home gym you’ve probably weighed up the cost against the benefit of having your own space and equipment. But you don’t have to go all-out to create the perfect home gym, and with the money that you save on membership fees, it doesn’t have to hurt your bank balance either.
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Rendering a fresh look
There would be few homes these days that do not have some interior or exterior rendered walls. Many contemporary homes are rendered entirely on the outside especially new builds, while a large number of existing or older style homes are rendered to give them a new lease of life and more kerb appeal. Rendering creates a modern elegant finish with clean simple lines while providing a protective layer to the walls making them longer lasting and lower in maintenance.
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Electrical Safety
Have you ever stopped to consider the importance of electricity, particularly in the home, and how much we rely on it for so many day to day things? And have you ever truly thought about how dangerous electricity can be and therefore how important it is to always engage the services of a licensed electrician. Never take for granted the importance or danger of any electrical fixture or appliance and the absolute necessity for a professional to carry out any electrical work.
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Dog Drool - Why Worry?
We often see dog drool on glass, and, frankly, it's not a pretty sight! It is loaded with bacteria, not great when you have kids around, and, looks about as bad as it gets! Is it something that should concern you? Absolutely!!
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Selecting security doors and grills
Oh for the days when our personal security was not always at the fore front of our minds. It’s hard to believe that front and back doors of homes had nothing more than a simple key lock for security
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