Rendered feature walls pack a textured punch
Creating a successful interior design requires clever balance. We consider colours, shapes, sizes, and light, but one element many people neglect is texture. Simply painting a feature wall in a different colour or applying wallpaper can leave us wanting more- and rendering is a way to achieve that. A professional rendering company can help you achieve a range of different finishes, to make your feature wall something special.
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Mid-Century Lighting
Mid-century lighting is more than just a trend; it's a testament to the enduring power of design that speaks to both functionality and artistic expression. Its ability to seamlessly blend into various interior styles while adding a touch of retro elegance is what makes it a cherished choice among homeowners and designers alike.
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Do you have a leaking Pipe?
When leaks occur in pipes in the walls, ceilings or floor, there are usually noticeable water staining marks in the area of the leak. Vermin can chew through plastic piping in roofs and walls, causing small leaks that can be tricky to hear and see.
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Free quotes can be for a small, straightforward project like painting one wall or assembling a small table. A quote is required for jobs with time constraints, choice of materials and research time. Multiple works/ jobs, complications, detailed installation, modifications, precision craftsmanship, and quality products require attention to detail. When paying, you can expect a detailed quote, saving time. All interactions are professional from the beginning. All costs are transparent.
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How To Choose A Property Manager
We work with a lot of property managers, as a result we see the good, the bad and the ugly! As a service which our clients hire to present their properties in a way that enhances the value of those properties. We, therefore, take an active interest in helping you get the most from your property, whether it be your home, or your rental income nest. As a result, we have gathered a lot of experience that can help you decide how to choose a property manager that is right for your investment.
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Pest Control is a must
No one likes creepy crawling insects around the home. Mice, cockroaches, ants, spiders, silverfish, fleas and the silent assassins, termites, are all unwanted visitors to our homes.
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Beat the Melbourne climate install air conditioning
Australia is a country of climate extremes and while traditionally we embrace the summer months it can be exhausting and debilitating when the temperatures and the humidity rise. Our houses heat up during the day making it very uncomfortable to sleep at night. It can be just as uncomfortable trying to stay warm during the chilly winter months and if you live in Melbourne you could well experience all four seasons in one day. The perfect solution to this changing and sometimes unpredictable weather is air conditioning.
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Buying sustainably and how to do it effectively
Do you wish you knew how to shop for pieces that veer towards the sustainable side of things? Buying environmentally friendly items can be hard to spot without asking a million questions, and although these types of questions are always welcome it’s nice to have some knowledge before hitting the shops. Let’s look at some of the criteria to spot an eco-friendly choice.
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Investing in a better bedroom
Your bedroom should be one of your favourite parts of your home; somewhere that you feel relaxed and happy. If your bedroom has you uninspired and waking up feeling flat, it is time to make some changes.
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MORE INTENSE CLEANING – No matter how hard we try, it's almost impossible to clean each and every nook and corner of our houses. This is because when an expert does the same thing, they use specific equipment and cleaning agents which do the job much better.
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Seven simple DIY ways to clear a blocked drain
Most residents give little, if any, thought to the things they flush down the toilet and wash down their sinks. Water companies spend millions each year clearing out foreign matter that has ended up in our increasingly overloaded sewer systems. But the water companies aren’t the only ones responsible for drains. Find out more and what you can do about it here.
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Will Real Estate Crash In Australia?
The market has continued to rise in Australia and it has been a steady increase for the last few years. It's unlikely that a crash will happen, but if the market slows down, it would be prudent to take precautions. The Australian real estate market has been rising since 2008, but there are many factors that could trigger a crash. If the Australian economy experiences a recession, or if international factors such as escalation in wars come into play, then the market could crash
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How to choose a staircase
There are many homes throughout Australia with staircases and in some more than one. A staircase can be tucked away and unobtrusive or can be a focal point and add real wow factor to your home. Taking regulations and guidelines into account your staircase can then only be limited by space, budget and imagination.
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Why not add a Spa Bath to your Bathroom
Although Spa Baths have been installed in Australian homes for many years, they went out of favour and the numbers dropped in popularity. People were removing them from their homes when renovating or no longer including them in a new build. But Spa Baths are on trend again.
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Double glazing in kitchens and bathrooms
If you’re thinking about renovating, consider installing double glazing in kitchens and bathrooms – the most important areas of a home! The kitchen has long been called the heart of the home and a substantial amount of time is spent here every day. Modern kitchens have become more than just a place to cook, they have become an integral living space for entertaining, conversation and even school homework! So it makes sense to ensure that the area where your family spends a lot of time is comfortable and liveable.
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Building Inspections – Know What You are Buying
If you are seriously considering buying a property it is essential that you get a qualified building inspection before you make that big investment. We can get caught up in the excitement and perhaps emotion of our new purchase and overlook an inspection and end up buying a whole lot of trouble, not to mention the expense of costly repairs that may be way over your budget.
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Choosing The Right Carpet
What’s there not to love about carpet. Don’t we love the feeling of carpet under our bare feet. Isn’t it cosy for the kids to play on a carpeted floor. Don’t we love the noise reduction of carpeted floors and the nonslip safety aspect, not to mention the winter warmth.
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