Rendering a fresh look

Rendering a fresh look
There would be few homes these days that do not have some interior or exterior rendered walls.

Many contemporary homes are rendered entirely on the outside especially new builds, while a large number of existing or older style homes are rendered to give them a new lease of life and more kerb appeal.

Rendering creates a modern elegant finish with clean simple lines while providing a protective layer to the walls making them longer lasting and lower in maintenance.

There are a number of different types of render and applications will vary depending on whether it is for external or internal walls, what substrate the render is being applied to as well as the finished look you want to achieve.

External renders are either cement render, acrylic render or texture coating: 

Cement render, usually a premix of sand, lime and cement, can be applied to materials such as brick, mud brick, cement or stone. It can be textured, smooth, coloured or painted.

Acrylic render is a cement base with the addition of acrylic. It is a versatile product that can be used both externally and internally. It is a strong and more water resistant product and can be applied to numerous surfaces including concrete, cement blocks and sheeting, polymer cladding and polystyrene.

Texture coating is a pure acrylic incorporating special graded aggregates. It provides excellent weather and crack resistance and allows great variety in the colour of the finished product. There are a number of texture coatings on the market that can be applied to a number of different surfaces.

For internal rendering or plastering and patching White Set Plaster is commonly used. It is a setting compound mixed with lime and can be applied to a variety of substrates providing a hard but smooth surface that won’t crack or shrink.

If you have a rendering or solid plastering project coming up be sure to get some recommendations from anyone you know who has recently had rendering work done. Get a few quotes and references. Be sure to use an experienced professional Renderer who can advise you on the right type of product for the job and if you are incorporating colour in the render, make sure you have a small sample of the colour applied to the wall to ensure you are happy with it.

For more information, please contact the expert contributor.

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