7 design tips for an eco-friendly home that doesn't cost the earth

7 design tips for an eco-friendly home that doesn't cost the earth
Having an eco friendly home is about more than just saving money.

It means that you’re doing your bit for Mother Nature.

Reducing your home’s carbon footprint is a worthwhile endeavour, but sometimes the costs associated can be off-putting.

But what if we told you that, with a few tweaks in home design, you could have an environmentally conscious home that’s not going to cost an arm and a leg?

We’re not kidding! These seven design tips will help transform your home into a sustainable household.

Use your garden to your advantage

Do you have trees in your yard? It may be worth letting them grow to a point where they can provide some shade. If you don’t have any trees in your yard you might want to consider investing in some. The shade they provide can help to cool your home which means you won’t have to reach for the air con remote as often, saving you money and giving the environment a break. Just ensure that they aren’t too close to your property - as they can be a hazard during storms.


Skylights are a simple eco friendly design solution. There are LED skylights that combine the latest and greatest in LED technology while also harnessing the natural light of the sun. Such a skylight will add brightness to your space. They operate automatically so you don’t have to worry about switches, and will far outlast traditional lighting sources. Also, you’ll drastically cut your power use and save some dollars on the power bill. Not to mention that they look amazing!

Where are your bedrooms?

Are your bedrooms located on the second storey? If so, you may want to think about relocating the sleeping quarters. Rooms on the top level of a house cost more to heat and cool. If possible, bunk down downstairs and save on your energy bills.

Energy efficient windows

Your windows can have a lot to do with how environmentally friendly your place is. Consider replacing your windows with ones that have special treatment to reflect heat and provide insulation. Double glazed windows are great for this, and they come with the added bonus of providing sound insulation. This means that they’re perfect for those living in dense, urban environments where there is lots of noise.


Full length curtains can provide excellent insulation. Adding padded pelmets to the the top will help as well. A well insulated home means that warm air stays in during winter and cool air stays in during summer. This means less money spent on heating and cooling your property, and less harm to the planet.

Choose low or non-VOC materials

When choosing paint, furniture and carpet for your place, choose low or non Volatile Organic Compound materials. VOC’s are bad for the environment, but they’re also bad for your health. They are known to cause health issues like nausea, dizziness and headaches.

Conservation in the bathroom

Your household might be bleeding water due to inefficient taps, shower heads and toilets. As well as being wasteful, you’re also paying for all that excess water. Consider modifying your bathroom. You can install water saving shower heads, taps and flushing systems.

These are just seven simple design tips that can save you money and help you do your bit for the planet, but there are other things you can do! While you’re at it, have a chat with your friends, family and neighbours and convince them to do the same. The more people making a concentrated effort to conserve energy, the better off our world will be.

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